ASP.Net MVC (2013)
The site uses ASP.Net MVC 4, C#, dependency injection. Backend database engine may be switched quickly thanks to Ninject.
JavaScript and Canvas clock (2013)
The page illustrates the use of JavaScript on HTML5 canvas control. Link
Mines game (2013)
This single-page application mimicks the famous mines game. The page uses jQuery and JavaScript. I put it quickly together after reading the "Learning jQuery" by J. Chaffer and K. Swedberg. It is a proof-of-concept rather than production code, and it demonstrates the power and ease of using jQuery and JavaScript. The game currently does not open the adjacent cells when a cell with no mines around is clicked, but the book about algorithms is one of the next books that I will read. Link
Simple text encoder (2013)
This page allows user to encode the text in such a way that the first and last letter of each word is kept in place, but all the letters in between are scrambled. Altering data this way may make it impossible to translate it into another language using the automated translation services. This project uses JavaScript, all data stays on client, server keeps no data. Link
400 Basic Words (2013)
Windows Phone application that allows user to practice 400 most essential words in a language. There are six versions of the program helping the user communicate on the basic level without an Internet connection on four different languages (Russian, German, English, and Japanese languages). Projects on Windows Phone Marketplace
Check-in application (2014)
Single-page check-in application that uses Angular.js as the framework. The app allows customers to sign in and specify the reasons for their visit. It also allows the company to manage customer queue and collect statistics about customers' daily visits.
InClauseCreator (2005)
This utility simplifies the way of repetitively constructing the IN clause for a SQL query. The program was written using C# and Windows Forms.
PicsToPage (2005)
This utility takes a path for folder with images as input and produces an HTML web page. The created page contains img tags for each of the files in that folder with matching extensions (by default the app pays attention to files ending in "jpg" or "gif." The purpose of the utility is to be able to quickly create web pages with pictures for posting on-line. This program was written using C# and Windows Forms.
Project list with Angular.js (2014)
A re-write of the projects page using Angular.js as the MVC framework using Angular.js as the platform
XNA Demo for STEM Fair (2013)
This project was a demo for high-school Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Fair. This primitive Windows Phone game demonstrates how easy it is to create and animate a character as well as how to add a background. The program also simulates basics of gravitation and responds to touches by moving the character to the touched point. The dots mark the character's movement. It takes 15 minutes to build such functionality on Windows Phone from ground up.
XNAFlicker (2013)
A game for Windows Phone that simulates curling. Two players send their stones towards the target by swiping the screen. The player, whose stone is closest to the mark, wins. The game is an XNA C# project.
Windows Phone
Biorhythms (2012)
This program calculates intellectual, emotional, and physical biological cycles for the day based on the date of birth of a user. This program was written using C# and WPF. Project on Windows Phone Marketplace
Hiragana/Katakana Free Pocket Reference (2011)
This app is a pocket guide to the Japanese syllabaries. It provides several options to help you memorize Hiragana and Katakana: there is an option to study and review syllabaries and an option to practice them at your own pace. Also be sure to check out the timed test option, see how high of a score you can get! This program was written using C# and WPF. Project on Windows Phone Marketplace
US Citizenship Test (2012)
This application contains the official study material for the Civics (History and Government) Questions for the Naturalization Test also known as the US Citizenship Test. The program was written using C# and WPF. Project on Windows Phone Marketplace